Help me grow!
- Bright light suits me best but, keeps me away from direct sunlight. So a shaded outdoor setting or a place by the window works best for me.
- I like warmth and am happiest at room temperature. Outside I can survive up to 18 degrees Celsius, any lower, and bring me indoors.
- Make sure the soil is porous and moist with good drainage. Water me more frequently in summers than winters. Remember, water my soil, not my rosette.
- Humidity suits me best as I am a native of humid climates. Mist my leaves every few days to keep me looking my best.
- Fertilise me only in spring, not in summer or winter. Apply the fertiliser only to the soil and never to my rosette.
- How do I keep my Earth Star Plant healthy?
I am a hardy plant not prone to many diseases though overwatering can destroy me. Overwatering causes fungal growth on my delicate leaves and roots. You can trim the affected part and transplant me in a new pot if you detect the growth early. If I am beyond recovery, collect my offset, re-pot, and care for them. - My Earth Star Plant is flowering and I’m afraid it is going to die. How do I propagate it?
My natural life cycle is to die after flowering. My offsets (baby plants) are between the leaves. Remove them carefully, place them in soil mix, cover the pot with plastic and add ventilation holes. Set the pots in a bright spot but away from direct sunlight. Roots shoul develop within two to three months and I’m ready to add colour to your life again.
Earth Star Plant
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